Do you want to take a blood test online Jalandhar? We got you covered. The early signs of kidney diseases are simple to miss. Most look like symptoms of common health issues. Further, severe signs might not show up until your kidney stop working. It’s why about 10% of people make it too let to get diagnosed by medics. 

Knowing the red flags of kidney disease can help you get early treatment and diagnosis. It likewise helps you shave off serious health risks. 

What is kidney disease?

Kidneys are pear-shaped organs positioned on either flank of your spinal cord. Kidneys have a small size, but it does a vital job when it comes to your health. It filters extra waste and water from your blood. 

Path labs in Jalandhar talk about the blood tests that you might need for the health of your kidneys. 

If it stops working or gets damaged, it turns to kidney disease. There are a couple of reasons for you to develop a kidney ailment. 

  • High blood pressure 
  • Heart disease
  • Aging
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes 

Kidney disease gets worsened as fluid and water build up in your body. Here are the caution signals to dart. 

  • Changes in your urine: If you’ve got kidney disease, you might pee more or less than normal. You might see a slight change in the color of urine. Your pee might be a bit foamy. It means that protein peeps out of your urine. Path labs in Jalandhar say that blood in the urine is another sign to look for. 
  • Your kidney might be no longer able to balance the nutrients and minerals in the blood. 

Swelling: Your kidney tends to even out the amount of salt in your body. If your kidney does not perform well, your body clings to extra salt. It causes puffy skin around your feet and ankles. 

You might also notice it in your hands and around your eyes.

Dry and itching skin: It happens when your kidneys are no longer able to balance the nutrients and minerals in your blood.  

Upset stomach: As per blood test online Jalandhar, an upset stomach comes with built-in waste in your blood causes appetite and nausea. 

What are the blood tests done to check a kidney-related problem?

In a blood test, a doctor might look for a waste product called creatinine. When kidneys get damaged, it takes time to clean waste from the blood. 

If you experience troubles related to the kidney, your doctor may ask you to go for a couple of blood tests. 

  • Blood urea nitrogen: It measures nitrogen in your blood. 
  • Estimated GFR: It calculates filtration rates based on the level of protein in your blood.
  • Serum creatinine: It looks for the formation of creatinine, which is a waste product formed due to muscle breakdown. 

Your healthcare provider may ask for a 24-hour urine test depending on your health condition. For quotes on a blood test, contact path labs in Jalandhar today. 

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