While many manufacturers use the front grille of a vehicle to add some extra design and flare, the surface actually provides a purpose. The grille is designed to help ventilate the engine, keeping it from overheating. As you drive along the roadway, the grille allows the car to pull in cooler air around the engine. The design of the grille can play a significant role in how well the car engine cools and vents. 

However, it is important to remember that cooling your engine requires different levels of attention at various points throughout the year. For instance, in the winter, the vent might allow your engine to be too cold, requiring the use of a winter grille cover. Ultimately, the car or vehicle grille plays an important role in functionality, and it is important that you protect it. 

1.   Find a Grill Cover

A grille cover is an important first step in protecting the grille and the engine. A black grille guard or cover will ensure the engine block does not get too cold. When an engine is too cold, it might not run optimally.  

A decent grille cover will still permit air to move through and around the engine, but the air will pass through insulated layers, allowing the engine to maintain some heat to allow for proper function. You will need to talk to an auto parts expert or mechanic to determine which type of grille cover is best for your vehicle and climate. The cover will likely be more necessary in specific areas than others. For example, a cover is likely crucial in an area with a lot of snowfall and frequent frigid temperatures. 

2. Grille Guard Can Save Your Life

A grill guard, such as the Westin HDX Grille Guard, is a more robust item than a grille cover. The guard is meant to protect the grille from impacts; it acts much like a rear bumper or guard. Essentially, the guard helps to spread the force of the impact out and away from the grille. Therefore, it is a safety feature as much as a grille protector. 

The grille guard acts as a maxed-out version of a front bumper, protecting the engine and vehicle from front-end damage during a head-on collision. When you think about it, a grille guard can save your life by diverting and absorbing some of the force of a crash. Therefore, a grille guard is likely a worthwhile buy wherever you are in the country. 

The guard usually has a wire mesh front to allow the free movement of air, meaning the design does not interrupt any operational features of the grille. It is designed to install and work seamlessly with the existing front-end design. 

The grille is an essential element of your vehicle, and it is not simply a design feature. Because of its importance to the function of your car, it is crucial you protect it as much as possible. Contact a local auto parts dealer to discuss grille protection options.

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