As we all know that penguins are a fun way to name cute pets like penguins, birds, fish, dogs and cats. Penguins have cool patterns on their body, have adorable waddling walks and seem to be very attractive, curious and affectionate. Penguins are both incredible to see and study. They are flightless aquatic birds beautifully draped in their white and black tuxedo-type feathers and get easily attached to both people and other animals.

In the US, it is illegal to keep penguins but it doesn’t mean that you can’t have a collection of toy penguins, so if you have a toy collection of penguins it is obvious that you will love naming them. Penguins are considered incredibly intelligent and they do live in colonies of up to tens of thousands. They make use of their social skills to acquire hunting and remember everything as they have an incredible memory. Adorably, many species of penguins are monogamous i.e, during mating season, they continue to mate with one another for the rest of their lives.

Why choose cute and attractive names for penguins?

Penguins are excellent parents as both male and female penguins care for their young ones with lots and lots of love. These amazing traits of penguins sound like winning qualities of them and make them more pretty.

Depending on the variety of species of penguins, male penguins can be difficult to be differentiated from female penguins and vice versa. 18 species of flightless penguins occupy the Southern hemisphere. As penguins do have flipper-like feet and paddle-like wings, they are incredibly adept at their life in the water.

If normally seen, penguins are popularly known for their black and white plumage but it is not that penguins are only black and white, some of them have vibrant colors that beautifully adour their head, chest and beak. Penguins are mild-mannered birds that are likely attributed to their low list of natural predators in their natural environment. Penguins are the toughest birds in the universe but they are awesome too as they live each of their days on the edge, swimming with killer whales and other animals that might want to make meals out of them.

Cute Penguin Names

Penguins are cute and come in a variety of colors, including black and white. Looking for names ideas for your pet’s name? You don’t have to look any further as we have many cute penguin names.

  1. Holly
  2. Persimmon
  3. Chive
  4. Bobo
  5. Angel
  6. Max
  7. Coco
  8. Baby
  9. Daisy
  10. Bella
  11. Jenny
  12. Tori
  13. Phoenix
  14. Barry
  15. Benny
  16. Snow
  17. Peace
  18. Cassie
  19. Matilda
  20. Emily
  21. Lily
  22. Oreo
  23. Icy
  24. Artic
  25. Niki
  26. Phil
  27. Carol
  28. Pearl
  29. Lolly
  30. Happy
  31. Breeze

Baby Penguin Names

Here is a list of baby penguin names you can get ideas from.

  1. Smallapi
  2. Munchkin
  3. Penguin
  4. Pepper
  5. Peanut
  6. Tiny
  7. Teeny
  8. Copper
  9. Weeny
  10. Pearl
  11. Penguin Little
  12. Cheeku
  13. Shorty
  14. Nibbles
  15. Beed
  16. Tom
  17. Small
  18. Scrappy
  19. Puppy
  20. Baby
  21. Birdy
  22. Junior
  23. Mrs Little

Famous Penguin Names

Are you looking for some famous penguin name suggestions? You can find some inspiration from the movies and cartoons below.

  1. Chilly Willy (Chilly Willy)
  2. Presley (Love Birds)
  3. Skipper, Rico, Kowalski, Private (Madagascar)
  4. Caruso (The Little Polar Bear)
  5. Wheezy (Toy Story 2)
  6. Mumble (Happy Feet)
  7. Helen the Penguin (Animal Stories)
  8. Opus (Bloom County)
  9. Peggi (Tokyo ESP)
  10. Ramón, Lombardo, Nestor, Raul, and Rinaldo (Happy Feet)
  11. Midgel, Zidgel, Fidgel, and Kevin (3-2-1 Penguins)
  12. Penny (The Koala Brothers)
  13. Cody Maverick (Surf’s Up)
  14. Pablo the Penguin (The Three Caballeros)
  15. Fred (Sitting Ducks)
  16. Tip (The Little Mermaid II)
  17. Whiteblack (Whiteblack the Penguin Sees the World)
  18. Tennessee Tuxedo (Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales)
  19. Tux (Out Of Jimmy’s Head)
  20. Hubie, Marina, and Rocko (The Pebble and the Penguin)
  21. Tuxedo Sam (Sanrio)
  22. Scamper (The Adventures of Scamper the Penguin)
  23. Roy and Silo (And Tango Makes Three)
  24. Sparky the Wonder Penguin (This Modern World)
  25. Chill Penguin (Mega Man X)
  26. Pamie & Nick (Adventures of the Little Koala)
  27. Peso (Octonauts)
  28. Captain Cook and Greta (Mr. Popper’s Penguins)
  29. Gunter (Adventure Time)
  30. Tacky the Penguin (Tacky the Penguin)
  31. Pingu and Pinga (Pingu)
  32. Jessica and Alex (Oggy and the Cockroaches)
  33. Topper (Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town)
  34. Duke (Boner’s Ark)
  35. Esmeralda (Mawaru Penguin Drum)
  36. Misha (Penguin Lost)
  37. Pokey the Penguin (Pokey the Penguin)
  38. Marlon, Rocky, and Bluey (Avenger Penguins)
  39. Alfred (Zig et Puce)
  40. Pingo (Rasmus Klump)
  41. Tootsie the Penguin (Donald Duck)

Funny Penguin Names

Are you looking for unconventional or funny names to name your pet? These are some fun penguin names.

  1. Agent Pingu
  2. Whitey
  3. Lupin
  4. Penguin
  5. Tigress
  6. Knot
  7. Dj Penguin
  8. Boogieman
  9. Clumsy
  10. Arthur
  11. Panda
  12. Shifu
  13. Po
  14. Mantle
  15. Uke
  16. Guitar
  17. Shaggy
  18. Happiness
  19. Rolly
  20. Scooby
  21. Ecstasy
  22. Squeaky
  23. Pingu
  24. Macho
  25. Raksha
  26. Tesla
  27. Granger

Good Penguin Names

Here are some good penguin names you can get inspiration from.

  1. Angel
  2. Equinox
  3. Lola
  4. Winter Chill
  5. Glacier
  6. Charlie
  7. Poquita
  8. Albert
  9. Tops
  10. Petal
  11. Marlene
  12. Domino
  13. Icicle
  14. Flippers
  15. Pebble
  16. Oreo
  17. Ebony
  18. Berty
  19. Chris
  20. Rosalie
  21. Hana
  22. Jingles
  23. Frederico
  24. Shiver
  25. Sammy
  26. Joker
  27. Shine
  28. Christmas
  29. Eric
  30. Jacob
  31. Lily
  32. Immy
  33. Packer
  34. Emily
  35. Dahlia
  36. Newton
  37. Jedi
  38. Gatsby
  39. Pingy
  40. Midnight
  41. Penny
  42. Atlantic
  43. May
  44. Wylie
  45. Frost
  46. Icecube
  47. Zorro
  48. Sled
  49. Chilly
  50. Tetra
  51. Elle
  52. Kippie
  53. Happy
  54. Snowbelle
  55. IceBird
  56. Blizzard
  57. Lollipop
  58. Ice Cube
  59. Jojo
  60. Snowflake
  61. Mario
  62. Powly
  63. Pedro
  64. Filomena
  65. Aurora
  66. Prince
  67. Icy
  68. Tapper
  69. Snowdrop
  70. Artic
  71. Duke
  72. Piper
  73. Tesla
  74. Mara
  75. Christy
  76. Pip
  77. Mickey
  78. Waddles
  79. Holly
  80. Pearl
  81. Carol
  82. Levi
  83. Snowy
  84. Boo
  85. Knightley
  86. Coraline
  87. Smiley
  88. Penelope
  89. Niki
  90. Coolsquid
  91. Popper
  92. Iceberg
  93. Splash
  94. Scuba
  95. Chumly
  96. Melody
  97. Wobbles
  98. Mille
  99. Pingie
  100. Phil
  101. Mira
  102. Iceland
  103. Winter Breeze
  104. Pablo
  105. Joy
  106. Everest
  107. Sam
  108. FancyFrost
  109. Noel
  110. Icicles
  111. Candy Cane
  112. Arctic
  113. Snow Angel
  114. Jasper
  115. Winter
  116. Dolo
  117. Montana
  118. Slushee
  119. Slusie
  120. Ice
  121. Snowcone
  122. Ozzie
  123. Peachy
  124. Frosted
  125. Trigger
  126. Jazzy
  127. Mittens
  128. Glory
  129. Be Cool
  130. Edward
  131. Coke
  132. Cara
  133. Icecream
  134. Vortex
  135. Jake
  136. Tux
  137. Ping
  138. Jason
  139. Ice-Cap
  140. Mike
  141. Wonder
  142. Stella
  143. Alpine
  144. Cleo
  145. Scarlett
  146. Sunny
  147. Frostie
  148. Tuffy
  149. Carmen
  150. Pooly
  151. Cola
  152. Pepper
  153. Graciela
  154. Tuxedo
  155. Ivory
  156. Breeze
  157. Black Jack
  158. Zinger
  159. Lolly
  160. Holiday
  161. Kasey
  162. Snowball
  163. Hubble
  164. Mumble
  165. Pluto
  166. Norwal
  167. Calli
  168. Comet
  169. Icing
  170. Elvis
  171. Josey
  172. Skater
  173. Fancy

Best Penguin Names

Are you looking for some great penguin names? Search no more as we have listed below the best penguin names for you to pick from:

  1. Bella
  2. Cassie
  3. Pannie
  4. Bianca
  5. Frosty
  6. Snow
  7. Norbert
  8. Peace
  9. Christian
  10. Solana
  11. Francesca
  12. Scout
  13. Fisher
  14. Minnie
  15. Icey
  16. Abi
  17. Jenny
  18. Igloo
  19. Flipper
  20. Nick
  21. Mia
  22. Nora
  23. Izzy
  24. Cheeky
  25. Crystal
  26. Ice Pop
  27. Matilda
  28. Misty
  29. Audrey

Cartoon Penguin Names

A lot of people love penguins. Inspiration came from famous cartoon characters. Here is the list of some cartoon penguin names:

  1. Chilly Willy- A cartoon character in Woody woodpecker film.
  2. SKipper- Is a leader of a group of 4 penguins in the animated movie series “Madagascar.”
  3. Wheezy: A stuffed toy in Toy Story 2, an animated Disney movie
  4. Kowalski- A character in the animated movie series “Madagascar.”
  5. Pingu- Pingu is a popular cartoon movie in the ’90s. He was famous for always being hungry.
  6. Cody Maverick- Cody Maverick is a 17-year-old penguin character who dreams to become a surfer.
  7. Opus- This character is often portrayed as a politician, sanitation worker, newspaper ombudsman and so on.Berkeley Breathed, the artist, created it.
  8. Bluey- A character in Avenger penguins

Girl Penguin Names

Here are name ideas for naming your female penguins.

  1. Dexy
  2. Cindy
  3. Amanda
  4. Emma
  5. Bella
  6. Belinda
  7. Natalie
  8. Maya
  9. Zabeth
  10. Mattilda
  11. Kate
  12. Alexa
  13. Maggie
  14. Judy
  15. Isabelle
  16. Lizzy
  17. Pringle
  18. Romanoff
  19. Puppy
  20. Kiki
  21. Skyler
  22. Cat woman
  23. Fiona
  24. Emily
  25. Gina
  26. Ava
  27. Amelia
  28. Sophia
  29. Juliet
  30. Thelma

Boy Penguin Names

Are you looking for male name ideas for your pet penguin? Explore our list of boy penguin names you can get inspirations from:

  1. Jerry
  2. Erza
  3. Brad
  4. Nayana
  5. Tai Lung
  6. Master Oogway
  7. Lennon
  8. Dimitri
  9. Selda
  10. Zimba
  11. Ayana
  12. Balboa
  13. Ethan
  14. Roxanne
  15. Rocky
  16. Hobbes
  17. Torreto
  18. Bryan
  19. Pitbull
  20. Deckard
  21. Eddy
  22. Turbo
  23. Rocky
  24. Kane
  25. Rambo
  26. Cory
  27. Paddy
  28. Jerrico
  29. Frankie
  30. Tony

Cool Penguin Names

Here are some cool penguin names we believe you will love.

  1. Sweetie
  2. Patience
  3. Baby
  4. Booboo
  5. Sunshine
  6. Blueberry
  7. Coco
  8. Little Foot
  9. Vanilla
  10. Penny
  11. Lady
  12. Pip
  13. Baby Doll
  14. Blondie
  15. Malibu
  16. Chance
  17. Sweetie Pie
  18. Shiloh
  19. Handsome
  20. Poochie
  21. Wiggles
  22. Happy Baby
  23. Pearly
  24. Conway Twitty
  25. Matilda
  26. Snow White
  27. Rosemary
  28. Thyme
  29. Rhapsody in Blue
  30. Patience
  31. Robinson Caruso
  32. Martini
  33. Peepers
  34. Bess
  35. Birdie Birdie
  36. Faith
  37. Honey Bear
  38. Emerald
  39. Koko
  40. Lime
  41. Chirpy
  42. Cookie
  43. Echo
  44. Barney
  45. Nessie
  46. Tootsie
  47. Gill
  48. Honey
  49. Willow

Bottom Line

Truly saying, there could be nothing cooler than penguins as they are social, clever, friendly and courageous. For naming the penguin there are no such rules but of course, there are many punny penguin names that you could dish up for your pet penguin. Picking the perfect name for a penguin can be tricky, but the important thing to remember is that naming something you care about helps create a sense of bonding. The names of penguins are probably cute and unique as they are super cute because of their fat bodies, black and white feathers and their waddling style perfectly takes our hearts.

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