It is true to say that every single doctor in New Zealand has told their patient that they need to get more exercise and they always suggest going for a brisk walk. If you have received this advice or you are expecting to receive it on your next medical check-up then now is the time to start making some changes in your life. All it will involve will be putting on your walking shoes and going outside to enjoy nature and sunshine.

When people think of being more active, they often think about things like running but as you get older, this is a high-impact exercise and so you will be doing damage to your knees and other joints as well. Walking on the other hand is extremely low impact and if you can find a suitable location to walk around like the Queen Charlotte Track then you have pretty much everything that you need to get yourself into shape.

The following are just some of the real health benefits that walking provides all of us.

  • It helps with joint pain – You would think that walking with sore joints would make it worse but the opposite actually applies. There have been many studies done on the subject and there is a suggestion that you should be walking around 5 to 6 miles every week to stop things like arthritis beginning. Walking actually will protect your joints and especially so for the knees and hips.
  • It’s great for your immune system – If we have taken anything away from the pandemic, it is the fact that we need to get ourselves into better shape and we need to get sunshine that provides us with essential vitamin D which is great for our immune systems. Try to walk for at least 30 minutes every day.
  • It keeps you out of the fridge – Any time that you feel the need to eat something sweet like chocolate, put on your walking shoes and go for a brisk walk and this will soon take your mind off what it is that you thought you wanted to eat before.

Walking is a tried and tested method to get you into better physical and mental shape and to allow you to lose those excess pounds that you have been carrying around for a number of years now.

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