Packing your bags and preparing your passport are not the only things you need to take care of when going on a vacation. It is also vital that your house is clean and secured before leaving.

That way, you can enjoy your vacation and have peace of mind knowing that your house is still in order when you come back.

That said, we have listed down seven home-prepping tips for a worry-free vacation:

1. Tidy up

When you come back home after a vacation, the last thing you want to do is get straight back to work. You wouldn’t be in the right frame of mind to accomplish these tasks in the first place. At the same time, you should give yourself the chance to transition from vacation mode to at-home mode.

The days leading up to your trip will likely be hectic. That’s because you’re looking over the things you have to pack, especially if you are traveling with family members. Therefore, it is okay to expect your house to be messy in the days leading up to your trip.

Even though you should expect this, it doesn’t mean that you should leave it that way. After a long trip, doing chores is probably the last thing you want to do when you return home. Thus, you should tidy up before you leave for your trip and ensure no clutter or mess that you have to tidy up when you arrive.

2. Set electrical precautions

Another thing you have to think about before leaving would be the appliances and gadgets you’re leaving behind.

Depending on how long your trip is going to be, you can get away with leaving some things plugged in or not. However, leaving your appliances running when you’re not, there doesn’t have to be an expense that you have to shoulder.

You can unplug them instead so that you’re not wasting energy as well as costing yourself money when no one is there to use them. By unplugging your appliances while you’re out on a trip, you’re also preventing a potential electrical hazard while you’re away.

Meanwhile, there are things that you keep plugged in. This includes your motion-sensor lights, CCTV, and anything that has to do with home security.

3. Clean out the fridge

Speaking of unplugging your appliances, if you’re going to be gone for a long while, it might be worthwhile to clean out the fridge.

If you unplug the refrigerator without cleaning it out and getting rid of the food inside, it will rot. The stench, germs, and bacteria will be floating all over inside the fridge, which you do not want.

You can either throw out the food, which isn’t ideal, give it away, or consume them all before you leave. While you’re at it, you might want to clean the refrigerator once everything is out of it.

If you’re not going to be away for very long, you might not need to unplug your refrigerator. However, if you want to cut costs while you’re away, feel free to clean out the fridge anyway.

4. Throw the trash

You can say many things you should do before you leave for your vacation, but some of them can be optional. However, some household tasks are a must-do, no matter what.

At Planet Maids Cleaning Services NYC, we always reiterate the importance of throwing the trash before leaving for a vacation.

If you don’t throw out the trash before you leave for your vacation, it can lead to pests and all sorts of creatures making their way into your home. The garbage inside your house will attract them, and because no one is there to prevent it, they will make themselves at home.

Aside from leaving your house in a mess, these creatures attracted to your trash can also spread disease and bacteria.

These are just some of the main reasons why you shouldn’t leave your garbage unattended while you go on your vacation. You should make sure that you get rid of trash from the bins all over your house, but pay special attention to the one in the kitchen.

That likely has food waste in it, which is especially attractive to pests. Plus, food waste can rot, and the odor alone is unpleasant to come home to after a vacation.

5. Prep your plants

If you have plants inside your house that aren’t fake, remember to prepare them as well. Otherwise, your indoor plants will die out while you are on your vacation.

If you have a kind neighbor or a friend, you can give them your plants for a while and ask them to help you by watering them while you’re away. However, if you don’t have anyone to rely on to take care of your plants, you can also fashion a DIY plant watering system. There are plenty of recipes online or instructions that you can follow

6. Have safety measures

An empty house will be vulnerable to attacks from intruders and thieves, so you want to make sure that your home doesn’t become a target.

There are multiple safety measures that you can put in place to ensure that your house is safe even without you there.

Ideally, the first thing you do is get someone you trust to stay in your house while you’re away, so it doesn’t look empty. An alternative is to ask your neighbors to watch out for your home because you’re going to be away.

Of course, you can’t just rely on the goodwill of other people. Make sure that all the security measures in your house are up and running. Lock all windows and doors and double-check before leaving. You should also ensure that your fire alarm and security system is up and running if you have them.

7. Hold mail and deliveries

Before you go on your vacation, stop by your postal office and tell them to hold the mail and delivery it to your house. When your mailbox is full, outsiders can see that and create the correct assumption that your home is empty.

It’s putting a spotlight on your house for ne’er-do-wells to target it. That’s why you need to hold mail and deliveries.

By taking the time to prepare your home before going on a vacation, you give yourself the freedom to enjoy your trip to the fullest. That’s because you don’t have to worry whether your belongings will be safe or not.

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