Have you ever found yourself counting down the hours until you can leave the office at your 9 to 5 job? Let’s face it, working an office job is a grind that feels like it’s never going to end. If you’ve ever daydreamed about getting out, then becoming a freelancer might be the best career move for you.

Are freelance jobs really better than traditional office jobs, though? You might be surprised to learn that the benefits of freelancing are limitless. Read on to learn some of the best reasons why you should consider making the switch.

Work When You Want

Having a routine is nice, but there are definitely days where you wake up in the morning and just need a little bit of extra time to get ready to work. Maybe you didn’t sleep well or the kids aren’t getting moving fast enough. Whatever the reason, taking extra time in the morning is not always possible with a 9 to 5 job.

Freelance jobs, on the other hand, have a ton of flexibility when it comes to your working hours. You can work from 5 am to 1 pm or from 12 pm to 8 pm. As long as you make your deadlines, you are free to work whenever you have the time.

Work Where You Want

One of the biggest perks of becoming a freelancer is that you can generally work wherever you want. That means you can embrace your wanderlust and travel around the world without ever having to worry about being in the office. 

It also means that you can continue to work even when you’re feeling a little bit under the weather. You don’t have to worry about deciding between going to the office and infecting your coworkers or losing pay. It’s all up to you!

Flexible Workload

Working for someone else means that you need to complete whatever job that they give you, even if it’s not typically something you handle. When you’re freelancing, however, you get to choose how much work you take on at a time. 

Have a big vacation coming up and want to get a little extra cash in your pocket? Take on some extra projects! If you need a break from work, then you can elect to work a little bit less until you’re feeling up to the job.

Having the ability to say “no” to tasks is something you’ll never get to do when you work for someone else!

Say Goodbye to Terrible Co-Workers

There’s nothing worse than coming to the office and having to deal with people you can’t stand. There’s the guy at the water cooler who wants to tell you all about his weekend, unprompted. There are also the people who try to undercut you whenever they can.

If you’re sick of dealing with people who don’t bring you happiness, then freelancing is the way to go. You get to work independently or choose people with whom you have a good relationship to work with. This helps you spend more time working productively than dealing with interpersonal issues.

Commutes Are Gone

The COVID-19 pandemic might have shifted the population between big cities and smaller towns, but it didn’t shift it enough to stop traffic. If you’re someone who spends a couple of hours a day on the road in bumper-to-bumper traffic, then you’re probably trying to find a way to get away from it.

The majority of freelancers have the ability to work from home or co-working spaces near their homes. This means that many people only have to walk from their bedroom to their computer to begin their workday. At the end of the day, you’ll find that you’re better rested and have much more time to do the things you love.

Freelance Jobs Have Tax Advantages

A lot of people with freelance careers choose to work from their homes. In fact, many of them have dedicated office spaces in their homes to complete their freelance work. They do this for a reason!

Freelance workers are independent workers, and they are able to claim a portion of their rent or mortgage on their taxes as a write-off because it is considered to be a business expense. If this is your first year working freelance jobs, consider working with a professional tax preparer to learn what deductions and write-offs you can claim.

Choose Your Wardrobe

We have spent years of our lives getting dressed up for work in uncomfortable clothing, all because we need to be present in an office space every day. If you’re wanting to live a more comfortable life, then freelancing is for you.

As a freelancer, you get to choose what to wear to work every day. If you have an important meeting, you can put on your nicest outfit, but that’s not required every single day. Run a brush through your hair, put on some comfy clothes, and get to work.

You Control Your Income

Working a 9 to 5 job means that you’re at the mercy of your company when it comes to your pay. Unless you get a promotion or change companies, you don’t have a lot of control over how much you earn every week.

As a freelancer, you get to choose which jobs to take and which ones you turn down. As an added bonus, you can charge more over time as you gain expertise in your field.

The only risk, of course, is that it’s possible someone could refuse to pay you if they don’t like your work. Make sure to know what to do when this happens to help protect your income.

Thinking of Becoming a Freelancer?

Becoming a freelancer and giving up your office job is not a small decision. For many people though, the benefits of freelancing far outweigh the risks associated with taking a non-traditional career route. If you’re thinking that freelancing might be the right move for you, then there’s no better time to get started!

Want to learn more awesome ways to rev up your career? You’re in the right place. Check out the rest of our blog for tons of great career advice and much, much more!

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