Starlink internet now has technically global coverage. The constellation pattern is far from “full,” but the initial installation of Starlink in earth’s low orbit allows the system to finally get usage everywhere. If you’re in a rural area, no doubt the utilities have said that you’re “next on the list” for years.

Starlink isn’t available yet as a service, but even that is changing sooner rather than later. You might not have to wait years, but perhaps only weeks. Elon Musk is hoping to roll out possible global Starlink access by the end of 2021.

How does this affect you, if you live in a rural area or even a city? Keep reading to find out!

Starlink Internet: What Is It, and Why Does It Matter?

Starlink internet is the system that Elon Musk and SpaceX hope to soon roll out to curb two major problems with the internet.

First, the internet is only available to those in areas with cell towers, fiberoptic connections, or copper cables. Even then, much of the world outside of major cities doesn’t have the average world bandwidth and speed rating of 107 Mbps.

Second, if it is available it’s often very expensive. This is especially true in rural areas and poor countries. Rural areas and poor countries usually relies on getting the internet through cell towers because there isn’t much of an infrastructure to speak of.

If even that isn’t available, satellite internet gets used. The problem with that is that traditional satellite internet has enormous latency and low bandwidth. This is because satellites for internet signals are usually 22,000 miles in the sky.

Starlink is about 60 times closer, between 350 to 550 miles above the earth.

Elon’s Vision of Starlink Internet

Starlink has a grandiose future. It’s actually costing Elon Musk’s SpaceX company more than 50% of the cost for each unit used to receive the signal from his satellites. Even though it costs a user $499, he wants that price to drop to $250 or less.

A difficult order to serve, considering the equipment costs $1,200 to make. Nonetheless, he’s trying.

Many people learn how to get free internet on more terrestrial terms, but Elon has said he wants it available to everyone in the world. At least, everyone that can’t afford internet or is in a location too rural for terrestrial internet. That said, the Lifeline subsidy isn’t (yet) applicable to Starlink.

He hopes that in the future, the income of those who can pay will offset the cost of those who can’t. This is essential, as in his mind he believes the internet is something everyone has a right to access.

Let’s take him at his word, instead of thinking of the dollar-signs in his eyes associated with Fintech 3.5. This is when the emerging markets of the world fully enter the world markets due to financial technology and internet access enabling them to.

Connected With Starlink Internet

So, what do you think? Is Starlink internet right for you? If you are in a rural area, your internet speeds are too low, and your provider is too expensive, then the answer is probably a resounding “yes!”

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