Stress has become an ever-present emotion in so many of us. Whether it’s work or college or home, everything has become a source of stress. But the commonality of it does not make its impact any less dire. From sleeping problems to the risk of depression to impaired physical health, stress has far-reaching consequences. It is therefore imperative to take steps to prevent it and manage its symptoms better.

Following are some helpful tips to relieve stress:

1. Eating better

In the bouts of stress, we turn to our comfort foods to help us through the hard times. But more often than not, these foods are full of fat, sugar and empty calories. That’s not a coincidence; stress does increase the craving for fat and sugar.

Moreover, whereas acute stress suppresses the appetite, chronic stress leads to increase in hunger due to the increase in the stress hormone levels. With overeating comes the unhealthy weight gain, which ironically, leads to even more stress.

Both cases are not conducive to health and may even contribute towards worsening mental health. Interesting, some foods can actually help in abating stress levels, but these aren’t unhealthy. Sweet potatoes, kimchi, eggs, sunflower seeds, blueberries are some healthy foods that are great for relieving stress.

However, if your stress still does not get better, seek out the top psychiatrist in Lahore, and enlist their help for getting better.

 2. Positive thinking

When we fixate on the negative emotions and all that is wrong with our lives, we tend to get deeper into despair. Our minds then get bogged down by the toll of negative thinking.

Behaviors like focusing on just the bad and forgetting the good, blaming yourself with everything that goes wrong, expecting the worst to happen etc. are some traits that are indicative of negative thinking.

Amongst the impacts of this destructive approach is stress, depression, and impaired health. So, in case you want better mental health, start thinking positively.

Consciously curb the negative emotions, practice gratitude, talk yourself out of the downward spiral, read up books that help with cultivating positive thinking.

3. Exercise

Not only does exercise helps with a toned body but is also is great for keeping your mind sharp and healthy. When we exercise, our body secretes all the good hormones that aid in pain relief and also improve the mood. They also help in lowering stress levels and relaxing the body.

Regular exercise therefore is extremely useful in preventing and improving the symptoms of stress.

4. Be kinder to yourself

Sometimes, we are our worst critics. We set the bar too high for ourselves and get upset if we are not able to meet our unrealistic goals. Not to say being a go-getter is bad but being too hard on yourself is. You inadvertently set yourself for a fall and suffer from so much stress.

Therefore, be kinder to yourself. Learn to accept your flaws. Nobody is perfect, and if your hard work does not always yield the results you wanted, cut yourself some slack. Take your failure as a growth experience instead.

5. Surround yourself with loved ones

Having friends and family around is a great way to destress. Talking out your worries to people who love you and can help you overcome the difficult time is an excellent way to relieve the stress.

Also, spending quality time with them also helps divert and relax your mind.

6. Meditation and yoga

Yoga is helpful not just because of being a type of physical activity, but it also has breathing exercises that help in stress management. Palpitations and increased heart rate are common in stress, and when it is fixed, body enters into the relative peace zone.

Meditation too, has a similar impact. It also includes the element of mindfulness, which helps in preventing stress to begin with.

7. Fix your sleeping habits

Lack of quality shuteye has grave implications for health, stress being one of them. Therefore, fix your sleeping habits to get 7-9 hours of sleep.

Somethings to help formulate a good sleeping routine include not eating or using screens in bed, going to bed at fixed time, removing distractions from the room, using thick blinds and moderating temperature of the room.

8. Remove your triggers

Life is hard and hectic, but that’s no excuse for letting your mental health suffer. Identify your triggers and work around them. If being overworked is causing you to be stressed, delegate. If certain people around you are the cause for your impaired mental health, avoid them. In this way, realize why you are stressed and work towards remedying it.

9. Laugh out loud

Laughter is the best medicine is not some corny line, but an actual truth. When you laugh, your body releases endorphins, that help in improving mood. They also aid in lowering the stress hormones in the body.

Try to therefore unwind with a funny show, or a witty book. Hang out around people who make you laugh.

10. Get professional help

In some cultures, mental health has become a taboo. This can prevent many people from getting timely help. But do not let the ignorance of others stand in the way of help.

If you are feeling hopeless, gloomy, are anxious, and stressed, get help from the top psychiatrist in Karachi NOW!

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