Our home is a place to relax and unwind. It is a safe haven where you get to unwind after a long and tiring day. If you are looking to save energy and elevate your home’s interior beauty with natural light, here are some tips to enhance your home. With these natural lighting ideas compiled by our interior designers in Bangalore, you can create a soothing and inviting atmosphere in your living space.


Having skylights in your home is a great way to pull in surplus natural light. It lets in more consistent lighting than most windows, as lighting through the roof is brighter. One of the major benefits of skylights is that they can be installed on almost all types of roofs, be they an inclined roof or a flat roof.

An all-white interior

Nothing is more elegant and bright than white. Having a white wall and ceiling can enhance the natural light that enters a room. It can make the space shine and is an effective way of daylighting architecture. There are more than 50 variations of white available in the industry; therefore, if you don’t prefer the usual milk white colour, you can always go for variations to suit your interior and decor. Remember that even if you have dark walls or a dark ceiling, having high-gloss paint makes the room feel brighter and bigger.

Glass windows

Glass panels double the sunlight entering the room. They also add a glazing aesthetic, creating a ‘wow factor’. Glass windows and panels not only allow more natural light to enter a room, but they also provide a sleek and modern look that can enhance the overall aesthetic of the space. Additionally, the use of glass can help create a sense of openness and airiness, making the room feel larger and more inviting.

Replace heavy curtains.

Never use heavy, dark-coloured curtains in your living or dining rooms. Having such curtains can make the rooms gloomy and look smaller. To make use of space, many professional interior designers in India now use shades or blinds for a fabric-free look. Shades or blinds allow for more control over natural light and privacy while maintaining a modern and clean aesthetic. Opting for lighter, sheer curtains can also help create a sense of openness and brightness in the room.

Add mirrors

Mirrors are a great way to help spread natural light. They can also create the illusion of more space by reflecting the room back on itself. Placing mirrors strategically across from windows or light sources can maximise their impact on brightening up a room. If your home has a changelier, try positioning a mirror in a way that it reflects more lighting and enhances the beauty of the space. Keeping aesthetically pleasing mirror pieces keeps your house looking chic all the while giving the illusion of a larger space.

Decorate the right way Choosing the right furniture and decor pieces can also contribute to creating a modern and clean aesthetic. Opt for minimalistic designs, neutral colours, and decluttered spaces to achieve a sleek and contemporary look. Remember that less is often more when it comes to decorating in a modern style. Choose furniture with exposed legs, which creates a sense of openness. Additionally, incorporating multi-functional furniture pieces can help maximise space and reduce clutter in the room.

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