How do you save?

Of course I had to skip the whole part related to the tips on how to choose the kit of the house, what you need for cleaning, detailed instructions on how to clean the various surfaces and even how to prevent pests, how to set up the kitchen and how to clean it, how to distribute and arrange the rooms of the house; and many other parts related to the life of those years and to the equipment that today is definitely outdated… but then I found a word that made me raise my antennas: Family business.

Oh yes, because if you think about it every family is like a small company: it has assets to look after, an inventory to update, income, expenses and budget to keep under control, contracts to evaluate, and payment documents, taxes and duties to be Weld. The family must be managed like a small company where each person has a fundamental role in sustaining the ecosystem.

So how do you save, or better still, spend properly to get what you need? Here are some simple tricks that will change your life:

Buy only if necessary

I just mentioned the word “essential”, in fact in the family economy there are expenses that you cannot do without: bills, rent, mortgage, shopping. Do not rely on your instinct which usually leads you to buy even what is not useful to you, because your friend has bought it or because you simply think it is a must given the fashion of the moment.

 Always hold back your  first buying impulse and thinks: do I really need it? It is a small gesture that will save you a lot without depriving yourself of anything, I’ll explain how: If from the 1st of the month to the 25th of the same you apply this concept.

You will certainly find yourself not spending your money on futility, so when you reach the end of the month you will have saved a certain amount, for example € 100, and with that you could cover any “bulky” expenses for the following month, reducing costs, or maybe you could treat yourself to a nice dinner with the person you love. If, on the other hand, you had spent those 2-3 € every day you would have arrived at the end of the month with nothing in your pocket, single, and in the cold on the road to your favorite restaurant!


It is what can save you the most, but it is also the biggest obstacle to overcome. Not everyone is inclined to self-produce, but once learned it becomes a very easy routine that will only take you a few minutes each day. Produce and prepare yourself what you can, for example through the cultivation of fruit and vegetables you can eat healthy and save on shopping. Just a small balcony or even a windowsill (to hook a pot holder to the outside) and here in just over 40cm you could plant all the kitchen herbs. Rosemary, thyme, parsley, mint; you know very well how much they cost at the supermarket! If you have a larger space you could plant two tomato plants, salad and even potatoes, they are foods that do not need great care to grow but are widely used in Italian cuisine.

Organize your shopping

Here is the sore point, there are things that cannot be escaped, such as the fateful “weekly spesona”. Do not feel unprepared, because in the family economy if you organize yourself you can save money here too, without having to give up.
The first thing to do to understand how to save on shopping is an analogue activity known all over the world: the shopping list.

Make a shopping list

It sounds trivial, but the shopping list focuses you on what you really need in the house, without giving in to distractions. In the supermarket you are attracted by colorful packaging and if you do not have a precise guide you risk taking products that you already have in the cupboard, just because you have not made a list of what you need. It also allows you to live peacefully without nasty surprises once you get home: forgetting things like milk or toilet paper can generate real crises! The list also allows you to delegate the task to any of the family members, leaving you time to do more urgent things.

With the exception of personal and home care products, the shopping list can be even more efficient if you combine it with weekly food planning. A weekly agenda, in short, in which the meals will be established day by day, in order to reduce food waste to a minimum, not to mention the health benefits: it is difficult to give in to pre-cooked food with a well-done planning. or takeaway, and the wallet benefits a lot. Hey we are in the 21st century, did you know that you can make your shopping list through a phone application and send it to all your family members? Now you know!

Use coupons and flyers

If you are thinking of the TV program “Everyone crazy for shopping”, it is necessary to immediately specify a few things about the promotional system: often there is no possibility of accumulating more coupons between them; coupons are not free, in the sense that they are given to the consumer with a minimum of expense or in magazines (which you must buy anyway).

But there is the internet, remember? It comes in handy for the simplest things, so why not use it for the more complex ones too? Many entrepreneurs have done this by disclosing massive discounts for their products on the internet:

brewdog discount code is the most famous. More than real coupons, it offers the possibility to buy any kind of product at a very discounted price: from personal hygiene to well-being, up to shopping. The offers are collected by city or by interests, just add your email address to be able to proceed with the purchase and be informed of all the new offers activated.

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