There are many different prices that drug rehab centers have for different kinds of treatment programs that they offer. As you know that drug rehab centers are of many kinds. There are experienced ones, there are new ones, there are ones with a reputable staff while there are ones that just got into this field. Regardless, all of them need to be certified. If they are not certified, then they are not a good drug rehab alabama center.
There are many addiction treatment programs offered at drug rehab centers, all of these treatment programs come with their own prices. Some can be affordable while some can be paid through loans that drug rehab centers offer their patients. Because drug rehab centers are well aware of the fact that addiction is something that can make the financial situations of many people go to the point where getting treatment is just not feasible. So drug rehab centers work together with many different kinds of associations and fund raisers to get all the necessary funds to treat people who cannot afford treatment programs and even treat people that are on the streets getting addicted to harmful drugs and plaguing the environment and the society as a whole.
But since you know that drug rehab centers are always available, and you are on the verge of getting treatment yourself, but feel like you need to check about the prices first to make an informed guess. Then we have got your covered here. We will give you all the information regarding such treatment programs and the prices that they can have.
Rehab treatments and prices.
Firstly, comes the outpatient rehab treatment option. This treatment is only about going to the drug rehab alabama facility and get treatment there for a few hours for a few times a week. The patient is given therapy and counselling. This counselling involves them learning about the necessary techniques and tricks to combat drug addiction triggers. All of these things that are offered by drug rehab centers make this treatment program not cost a lot. In new and normal rehab centers, the patients can get this program for 5,000 dollars, give and take. While in the more experienced ones, the patient can get them for 10,000 dollars to 15,000 dollars per month.
Then intensive version of this treatment program costs 10,000 to 15,000 least from new rehab centers, and they can cost 20,000 dollars to 25,000 dollars for one month. Although the price can decrease considerably if the patient is advised to get a three-month treatment, because this is usually the time that is reserved for any kind of drug rehab treatment.
Then comes the inpatient treatment. It is all about getting the drug addict to live and be treated at the drug rehab center. There, the patient is given medicines to combat drug addiction, they are checked all the time and monitored thoroughly. Furthermore, they are not told to meet anyone at all, nor are they allowed to go outside for a long period of time without supervision. By outside it means near the facility. This treatment program costs 15,000 dollars to 30,000 dollars normally, while it can cost 60,000 dollars to 90,000 dollars, the intensive version of this program costs 15 percent higher than the normal version. This can all be done on loan and insurance as well. There is no mistake about that at all and this is something the drug rehab alabama centers provide to their patients always. Because they know that drug rehab treatments are expensive and they want to accommodate for people that cannot afford treatments. Therefore, if you want to get treated, you should do it as soon as possible, especially now that you know a rough idea of the treatment programs.