If you ask anyone in the gym or fitness trainers or even personal coaches they will say that to be considered healthy or reasonably fit that you need to have a diet that consists of only fruit, vegetables, and lean meats. While for the most part, they are correct, with some edits along the way as lean meat does not provide the fat content needed for endurance during training (a discussion for another day), and fruit is considerably high in sugars, they usually don’t mention the part of eating plants.

The odd comment about leafy greens and salads as a component of a meal may come up in conversation, but if you told them that an all-natural ingredient sourced from nature could offer them not only the physical aspect of things but the mental element too, they wouldn’t believe you. Who would think that a plant from Mother Nature had the health benefits of modern-day medicines, if not more and without the harsh chemicals, but it’s true?

Long as civilization lived off of the land and successfully so, then why would it suddenly change now that we have technology or equipment to man-make products? Is nature not still all around us, is the Earth not still a source of renewable foods and ingredients, if so, then it makes sense to incorporate it into our diets and nutrition.

Plants and diet.

The greenery we see around us when we take long walks up the mountains or even watch documentaries on TV in front of the fireplace shows us that we have an ingredient’s source that is not only renewable but sustainable, what we need to know is how to use it to our benefit.

Scientists and biologists have been discovering new plants and flowers and shrubs for centuries and with the evolvement of tools and equipment, they have landed upon a humble plant that is changing the world daily. A humble plant, Hemp, with the advantageous plant compounds CBD and not so much THC too – the latter used more so for recreational purposes.

CBD has been shown to work effectively and efficiently within the body in combination with the receptors in the endocannabinoid system and regulating the pulses sent to and from the neuro system in the brain for a well-balanced and maintained internal system.

Cannabidiol (learn more about it here) has shown the world that nature could be the way of the future once again with its health properties and homeostasis capabilities within the body patients and regular users around the world have raved about the positive results and effect since implementing it into their diets. And the fitness world is taking note.

Back to your roots.

Finding your way back to nature is a great thing, getting outside in the fresh, crisp air, the morning sun waking up with you as you begin your warm-up routine, there is something magical about Mother Nature that we can never really pinpoint but know that it is there.

And when it comes to using plants as a healthy source you can’t go wrong.

CBD is extracted from the Hemp plant and filtered from THC (the bad component if you want a safe product for yourself and the family, even pets) and infused with various products making it easier to add to meals and schedules. You may think that taking a handful of capsules every day is on the cards but this is not the case, there are oils, baked goodies, gummies, and even Cannabidiol lollipops all for your convenience.

There is something for everyone, and if health and wellness were your goals then your meals may as well taste good too right? No one wants to live on dry leaves all day when a CBD-infused brownie with a cup of tea can do the job just as well.

The plus side.

Cannabidiol gets to work quickly and is a great mental and mood booster to help kick start the day. It can help calm your nerves when you have a big presentation to make, or to keep your cool when workday deadlines seem to never end, you also have the benefit of no added preservatives or chemicals making it all-natural and a perfect complement to your fitness routine.

Hitting the gym before or after work can take a lot out of you, so for a quick pick-me-up, CBD products come in a convenient handbag sized portions so you can pop a gummy in your mouth before you begin and not hassle with protein shakes and powders that need mixing and shaking.

It gets to work on the muscles and joints keeping them flexible and supple so you have added endurance during training and targets any build-up that could cause inflammation and result in unwanted pain. Read this interesting article to get a better understanding of how CBD works to offer an improved, pain-free lifestyle. Who knew that a humble plant that has been around for centuries could bring so much positivity to our lives, and it has been helping people with gout and cramps since the reign of the Ancient Chinese Emperors and English royals.

Is it for you?

If you have been living an active lifestyle but looking for something to take you to the next chapter of your life but without negative side-effect chemicals, then CBD could be the silver lining in your grey cloud.

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