There are many reasons to try to improve your bone health. As humans age, our bones tend to become weaker and more brittle.
You don’t need to be older to start addressing this problem, however. The sooner you take control of your bone health, the stronger your bones will be in old age.
You can take care of your bones by taking supplements, changing your diet, and much more. Keep reading, and we’ll tell you about some important bone health supplements that you should be familiar with.
Calcium is one of the best-known bone health supplements. Did you grow up with your parents telling you to drink your milk? That’s because milk contains calcium, and everyone knows that calcium promotes bone health.
You can improve your calcium levels by ingesting milk, yogurt, and other dairy products. Sometimes, however, your diet may not be enough.
Taking direct calcium supplements is one way to boost your calcium levels. If you see white spots on your nails, or your nails appear weaker than usual, you may have a calcium deficiency and should consider calcium for bone health.
Vitamins help your body absorb other supplements and contribute to your overall health. There are a few different vitamins that can be used to promote bone health.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps strengthen your bones by helping your body absorb more calcium. It can also help you avoid fatigue and joint pain.
If you live in a cold climate, you are more likely to need to take vitamin D for bone health.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is mostly known for boosting immune health, but it also assists in the production of collagen. Collagen is essential to the formation of healthy bones.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K also helps your bones absorb calcium. A Vitamin K deficiency can lead to brittle and easily broken bones.
However, you should discuss Vitamin K supplements with your doctor before taking them. They may cause problems if you aren’t deficient in the nutrient.
Ostarine is a supplement used to treat osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease, usually afflicting the elderly, in which bones get brittle and break easily.
Ostarine has been shown to improve muscle mass and bone health in elderly men and postmenopausal women.
You can check out this website for more information about Ostarine.
Magnesium helps your bones absorb what they need from calcium and Vitamin D. Magnesium deficiency is thought to be one of the leading causes of osteoporosis.
Like many other nutrients, many people get enough magnesium from their diet. However, if you have poor bone health, you should ask your doctor about magnesium supplements.
Fish Oil
Fish oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential to all kinds of health. Fish oil is good for your brain, heart, skin, hair, and bones.
Fish oil can be absorbed through more than just foods for bone health. If you don’t get fish oil naturally through your diet, you can take supplements.
Fish oil strengthens bones and helps those who struggle with joint pain from bone weakness.
Try Bone Health Supplements
Now that you know more about American bone health supplements, find the combination that’s right for you. Your body will thank you, both now and later in life.
Talk to your doctor about your diet and find the right supplement for you.
For more health tips, check out the rest of our blog!