They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That’s just as true for someone looking in the mirror! Your eyes are one of your most striking facial features, so why not ensure that they look their best? 

If you’re new to the world of beauty routines, you might not know where to start. Everything from a healthy diet to a salon service can help you achieve more attractive eyes. Finding the right choice for you requires looking at your budget, your pain tolerance, and the specific change you’re looking to make.

Are you ready to love what you see in the mirror? Keep reading to learn about ten awesome ways to improve the appearance of your peepers! 

1. Brow Wax and Tint

If you love a photograph, you put it in a beautiful picture frame. If you want to show the world that you love your eyes, make sure they’re framed neatly by trying a brow wax and tint! 

You can get a brow wax and tint at nearly any beauty salon. When you arrive, an esthetician will map out your brows to find their ideal shape. They’ll apply a gentle wax to remove any hairs that fall outside of that shape so your brows appear clean and tidy. 

A tint will make your brows a little bit darker so you won’t need to fill them in with cosmetics. It also makes it easier for the esthetician to shape your lashes, as every little hair will show up starkly! 

2. Eyebrow Lift

If you need a little more help getting that frame perfect, you might consider a surgical procedure called an eyebrow lift. It is sometimes referred to as a forehead lift. A plastic surgeon will tighten the skin of your forehead to raise the position of your brows, eliminate forehead wrinkles, and create a more youthful appearance. 

3. Lash Lift

A lash lift, unlike an eyebrow lift, is a non-invasive procedure. While it does require you to spend some time in a salon chair, it is worth it for the flirty results! 

During this salon service, an esthetician will set your eyelashes into a long, curled position using a chemical treatment similar to a perm. It eliminates the need to curl your lashes, and can achieve better effects! This service does wear off after about six weeks, but it’s a perfect self-care treat before a special event where people might be taking a lot of pictures! 

4. Lash Tint

If you want to do more than just lengthen your lovely lashes, consider a lash tint! If a lash lift is like a perm for your eyelashes, a lash tint is like a dye job! Your esthetician will use a gentle dye to darken the appearance of your natural lashes to eliminate the need for mascara. 

This is ideal for blondes or redheads who have naturally light eyelashes and want to draw attention to their eyes. It’s also great for brunettes who are sick of washing off sticky mascara at the end of the day! You won’t have to deal with the mess or the germs involved. 

5. False Eyelashes

If you’re looking for an eyelash upgrade that you can do yourself at home, you might want to look into false eyelashes. They come in many shapes, sizes, and styles, from the extravagant to the simple. If you like your eyelashes mink, thick and lush, there are incredible false lashes out there for you to try! 

The best part is that you don’t have to commit to your new lash look. Lashes are easily applied with a dab of lash glue, and just as easily removed. Wear them for a single night on the town and then head to work the next day without an issue! 

6. Colored Contacts

If you’re looking for a dramatic change without commitment, colored contacts are a great way to completely transform your eyes! They work like regular corrective contact lenses. Even those with perfect vision can benefit from the look of a pair of colored contacts. 

The color sits on the surface of the lense and masks your original color. You can do a natural change, shifting from blue to brown, or go wild and try colors like violet or orange! 

7. Eye Cream 

If your issue is dry skin, dark circles, or the effects of aging, a good skincare routine can make a huge difference. Consider applying a daily eye cream to add moisture and reduce undereye circles. Your eyelids contain some of the most delicate skin on your body, so a little TLC can go a long way!

8. Wear Sunscreen 

UV rays can wreak havoc on your skin. Your eyes are particularly susceptible to the effects of these damaging rays. Incorporating SPF products or a gentle sunscreen into your daily skincare routine can improve the appearance of your eyes over time. 

9. The Right Eyeliner

A simple way to make your eyes pop is to apply eyeliner – and not just on your regular lash line! You’ll want to make a deliberate choice about where to use it in order to really draw attention! Look into the natural shape of your eye so you can use the eyeliner to balance what’s already there. 

10. Fiber Mascara

Another way to use cosmetics to transform the look of your eyes is to invest in fiber mascara. This mascara contains tiny fibers that can add physical density to your lashes. They will not only look fuller, but they’ll also actually become fuller! 

This is a great way to keep your lashes looking great in-between tints, or add a little drama to your everyday makeup look!

Attractive Eyes Made Easy

If eyes are the windows to the soul, making sure those windows are clean and decked out is a way to ensure you’re showing the world who you are. Whether you’re looking to get attractive eyes at the beauty salon or in your own home, there are many options for helping make your peepers pop! Something as simple as a little bit of eyeliner can change the way the world sees you – and the way you see the world!

Now that you know how to make your eyes look incredible, how about your lips, hair, and skin? Check out the rest of the blog for more fashion and beauty tips to transform your facial features into art!

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